Well my dears, I did it. I colored my hair. And by colored, I do mean colored. Neon pink and teal to be exact. I'm not sure what I think of it yet, I like it, but I'm not in love. I only wanted the last 2 or 3 inches of my hair colored, but the girl who did it did the entire strand of my hair. That's what I get for going to a strange salon and getting a walk in appointment. But I had no other choice, my regular hairdresser wouldn't have put bright pink streaks in my hair! I've gotten positive responses so far, except for the panicked phone call from my mother. Here's a few pictures, even though I hate getting my pictures taken, and I really really hate taking pictures of myself.
Very pink. But it'll fade pretty quick, or so I'm told. She said it'll fade to a cool pastel pink, which I think might be fun. Pink is my favorite color after all.
Don't mind my retarded face. You can see a little bit of the teal in this one, it's hard to get in pictures, it's more towards the back of my head. But it's def there.
Yay or nay?
Wow I say YAY! I think you can pull it off really well...I kind of have to see it in person first though. I bet it is a huge change but it really is fun and cute!