

I have been feeling extremely uninspired lately. When it comes to my blog, my cake decorating, and especially when I get dressed in the morning. I love shopping. I would do it every day if I had the money. But I never seem to be satisfied with what I have. When I buy something new, I feel the need to wear it immediately, because everything else in my wardrobe dulls in comparison to my shiny new purchase. But after being worn once, or maybe twice, it's just another item in my closet, and I feel the need to go shopping and buy something new, because "I have nothing to wear". It's been especially bad lately, because I ordered a few things off the internet, and they're all I can think about when I go to get dressed. I went on a date last night, and I stared at the contents of my closet for a good long time, totally at a loss, because nothing was as cute as that red shirt that is on its way to me. 
Well my friends, it's time to break that cycle. I've made vows like this before, but this time I'm really going to try to stick to it. I'm not going to go shopping for a while. Instead, I'm going to shop my closet, and try to be satisfied with what I have. Easier said than done, I know. But we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck! 


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