
Over the Top Pretty?

It's days like today that really stink. When you get home from work, and it feels like it should be Friday, but then you stop and think, and realize that it's only Tuesday... It's also cakes like this that stink. The ones that people complain about until you offer to redo it so it meets their standards. The only thing I had to go off of when decorating this cake was "over the top pretty". What does that even mean? You're guess is as good as mine. Which means you're not very good at guessing either, because the lady that ordered this cake was not impressed the first time around. Dots and a ruffled flower were not enough for her. She need more ruffled flowers, bows, jewels and glitter. I'm not opposed to any of those things, except when it's the very end of the day, and I have to stay late to make them. 

Is that over the top enough for you?

Owl Always Love You...

 These past few months, my little penguin cake, seen here was a hit at the shop. So we thought we'd roll with it, and have another themed cake for the upcoming month. February is fast approaching, which means Valentines Day! I'm not sure any particular animal screams Valentines Day, but one of my favorite animals to make in cake form are owls. Super cute and versatile. 

I'm sure this be the first little owl of many!


Happy Monday! I am thoroughly enjoying being lazy on my day off, my first lazy day in a week or two. On this lazy Monday I thought I'd share a couple of cute little cakes. 
Gender reveal cakes are always super fun, because that means we are the first one's to know the gender of the baby that a couple is having! This case was extra special, because the couple was expecting twins! No matter who it is that's expecting a baby, I always hope the baby is a girl. Always. So I was super excited when I found out that both babies were girls! So fun! I had complete creative freedom, but had to keep in mind that the cakes had to be completely neutral, because it was the pink cake inside that was going to spill the beans. I decided to go with a bird theme, complete with mommy, daddy and big brother  bird, and a little nest of eggs.


Just Ducky

Posting regularly is really hard when the internet at my house refuses to work! Luckily we got a repair man over here on the weekend, so it's' up and running! Thank goodness. January is always the slowest month around the shop. Everyone overloaded on treats during the Christmas season, so cupcakes aren't all that appealing, especially since most people start off the month eating health and exercising. That combined with the nasty winter weather we've been experiencing makes for a slooow shop. Nevertheless, I have a super cute cake to share with you today!

Nothing like a cute little ducky to celebrate a first birthday! I love making cutesy little animals for cakes, and I've made a lot, but he might just be my favorite to date. 


Best of 2011

I can't believe New Years has already come and gone! Crazy how time flies! 2011 was a crazy year for cakes, with everything from gravy packets, to princesses to 3 eyed green monsters! Even thought it's almost a week into the new year, here are a few of my all time favorites from the past year!

 Probably my favorite cake of the year. A last minute wedding cake for a lovely couple. Sometimes having complete creative freedom turns out beautifully.

 My favorite unconventional wedding cake, for a girly girl bride, and her heavy duty mechanic groom. Something super and different and completely unique to the couple.

 A great cake for a great cause. This french themed cake was for a party to benefit breast cancer. Pink, black and white will always be one of my favorite color palettes. 

 Oh baby shower cakes! Nothing like a cake to welcome a little bundle of joy. Or two bundles in this case!

 This cake is so fun, the little whale on top is one of my favorite figurines I've made this year.

 Food cakes have a special place in my heart. The gravy packet came in a close second to the pack ofd Ichiban, but something about those curly ramen noodles gets me every time.

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. The party was Goofy and Max themed, so I dressed them up for the occasion, and added some stripes and polka dots! 

I'm so excited to see what 2012 holds! 