
Summer Forecast

It's June! Where in the world is time going? Do you know what the start of a new month means? New magazines on the news stands. I'm willing to admit that I love magazines of all sorts, from the Auto Trader to Martha Stewart. Yesterday I went to the drugstore, specifically to get Q Tips, and the new Nivea deodorant, the one that promises to leave your black clothes streak free, and not leave yellow stains under the arms of your white clothes. I ended up at the checkout with 3 magazines. Two of which were fashion magazines (the other was The Farmers Almanac. It's a guilty pleasure). 
The pages were filled with celebrities, and the latest fashion trends for the summer. And celebrities wearing the latest trends for the summer. Here are a few that you can either take, or leave. I for one will be leaving them. 

 Apparently white is really big this summer. Apparently Gaga took it to heart. But that's ok, she was born this way baby. Another big trend as far as white goes, is white jeans. Do you know who's butt looks good in white jeans?! About 1% of the population. Sad, but true.

 High waisted, flared jeans a' la the 70's are back full force. Hard to pull off, but it can be done. Solange got the pants part right, she just forgot to put anything on up top.

 Knotted shirts are evidently really big this season too. This one was news to me. How do you pull off this look without showing a lot of skin, and looking a little Daisy Duke? I'm still trying to figure that one out. 

This look is a little too cowboy vs indian for me. There is a reason the two groups never got along in the past. They still haven't worked out their differences. 

So there you have it! A few little tips to keep cool this summer!  


  1. I just caught on that you had a blog...what is up with that?! You are hilarious ps. If I dressed like Lady Gaga, would you still be my friend? Bahaa.

  2. Of course I would still be your friend Bry! I love you no matter how ridiculous your attire is lol
