
Tights are Not Pants

Fashion can be confusing. Some say there are not rules. Other's say there are certain guidelines that should be followed at all times. What's a girl to do when there's so many opposing opinions? I think I stand somewhere in the middle. I think almost anyone can pull anything off with the right attitude. But there's one rule that I will always firmly stand by. 

Tights are not pants people! They aren't. Really. If you're wearing a shirt or dress that's long enough to cover your bum, by all means, rock a pair of tights. But please, don't wear them on their own. You're a size 10? You can't pull them off. You're a size 2? You can't pull them off either. Don't believe me? 

See what I mean?
Happy Thursday!


  1. That pic is just disturbing! At first I thought she had nothing on down there at all! Who in their right mind would wear tights as pants.....especially if they are skin colored? Some people's kids!

  2. I just died laughing. thank you for this. I completely agree!

  3. Truuue that! I couldn't agree more! I definitely thought that was a bare butt at first. Hahaha.
